The Final Countdown to Graduation!

I hope that everyone had a great weekend, and got through the Monday Scaries in one piece. For me, this was the first weekend when it really hit me that I will be graduating. We are officially in the final countdown: 5 days of classes and less than 1 month until graduation! As sad as I am that this chapter is coming to a close, I think that I am at a place where I am ready to move on and see what’s in store for my future. With that being said, I am excited about the next few weeks because we have so many “lasts” and graduation activities coming up!

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3 Stylish Tech Gadgets I'm Obsessing Over Right Now!

3 Stylish Tech Gadgets I'm Obsessing Over Right Now!

Growing up in Northern California meant that I was constantly hearing about the latest and greatest in technology since my dad worked in tech and so did most of my friend’s parents as well.  I grew up with the appreciation not only for how much work went into creating these product and companies but also for how it made the customer feel and what problems it helped solve. Since I moved away and don’t necessarily hear about tech on a daily basis, I love to stay up on new products that come into the market!

Here are 3 stylish tech gadgets that I recently found and want to order immediately!!

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A 20-Something Girl's Snow Day

A 20-Something Girl's Snow Day

In the past couple of weeks, we have been fortunate (in my California Girl’s mind) to have some snow touch down in Winston-Salem, NC! Since we live in a town that rarely sees snow, the city doesn’t quite know how to clean up the streets in a timely manner. I’m sure that some people living in Winston find this to be inconvenient, but as a college student, it’s AMAZING because we get the day off from school!


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My New Year’s Resolutions 2016!

My New Year’s Resolutions 2016!

2016 is here, and I am in shock, partially because I just can’t believe how fast time is passing, but also because this is the year that I will be graduating from Wake Forest!
January was a pretty busy month for me with spending the first week in Mexico, the second week in Vegas for the Consumer Electronic Show, and the third getting settled back in at Wake for my final semester, so I didn’t have a chance to sit down and write down my resolutions for the New Year! I decided that February 1 would be my January 1 in a way. Here are a few resolutions that I came up with.

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